Empowering Women in Biotech: The Rise of the 'Sisterhood' Retreats

Women's History Month is a celebration of the remarkable accomplishments women have achieved over time. It also serves as a reminder that, while significant progress has been made, the journey toward genuine gender equality continues.

In recent years, women have taken great strides in various fields, overcoming obstacles and attaining success in areas such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), business, and politics. Although under representation and discrimination persist, we can derive inspiration from the progress made so far and learn from the examples set by those who have made a difference.

One recent example of women supporting each other in the biotech industry is the "biotech sisterhood" retreat held in Tucson, Arizona. Two dozen female biotech CEOs, about half of the total invite list, came together for a first-of-its-kind event. The gathering provided a forum for networking, creating long-term visions, and exchanging ideas in support of women in the industry. This unique event illustrates the progress made in recent years, as around 23% of biotech CEOs are now women, according to a 2021 Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) report.

The retreat's participants focused on creating concrete steps for sponsoring other women's paths into the C-suite, combating unconscious bias, and forging one-on-one connections. Sponsorship, as opposed to mentorship, involves proactively putting one's reputation on the line to help someone else advance in their career. This concept resonated with many attendees, who were eager to act as sponsors and identify male allies in positions of power to help uplift other women.

The gathering offered a mix of serious discussions and opportunities for attendees to get to know each other on a deeper level. Creative discussions during the event led to business collaboration ideas and the potential for new companies. The participants, driven by their mission and purpose, are committed to amplifying women across drug development, banking, investment communities, and beyond as they work toward gender parity in the upper echelons of companies.

In celebrating Women's History Month, we can draw inspiration from such initiatives that empower women in various fields. As we continue to break down barriers, foster diversity, and promote inclusivity, we can create a more equitable society that benefits everyone.



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