Leadershift: 11 Essential Changes Every Leader must embrace

“Rapidly moving times call for a new form of leadership and a new generation of leaders who follow seven fundamental leadershift practices. “ Check out several tips from the book “Leadershift: 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace,” by John C. Maxwell. 

  • Continually learn, unlearn and relearn: Knowledge changes rapidly and requires constant updating. Leaders must replace what they learned yesterday with what they will learn tomorrow.  

  • Value yesterday but live in today: Baseball star Babe Ruth said, “Yesterday’s home run doesn’t win today’s game.” Focus on current challenges, not past glories. 

  • Rely on speed but thrive on timing: Timing is everything.  

  • See the big picture as the picture keeps getting bigger: The more you know about a subject, the more you understand how much you still have to learn. Think of this as “layered learning.” As your knowledge about a subject increases, you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject’s context and big picture. 

  • Live in today, but think about tomorrow: You aren’t a leader only for today. You will be a leader tomorrow, and the day after, and then more days, more weeks, more months, and more years or maybe even decades. Plan accordingly. 

  • Move forward courageously in the midst of uncertainty: Leaders get paid to deal with uncertainty. They must relish it because it comes with the territory.  

  • Realize today’s best will not meet tomorrow’s challenges: To lead successfully, you must constantly upgrade your skills. In today’s world of radical change, what worked for you in the past might not work for you tomorrow. Spend time planning how to get better. 



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