Disconnect to Reconnect


It seems like a lifetime ago that our smart devices were once called "cell phones," and flipped open. These phones had more than one button, could only send phone calls and texts, and the only game available on them was "Snake."  

In just over a decade, cell phones with simple talk and text functions evolved into "smart devices" with do-it-all features. Now, they act as entertainment systems, assist us in completing chores, and connect us with friends and family around the world. In a manner of minutes, we can play a quick game, view a trending video, deposit a check, and order groceries in time for dinner.  

Here are a few strategies you can use to develop a more mindful approach to your smart device usage: 

  • Choose how you use it. Smart phones have many capabilities, but that doesn’t mean you need to use them in every area of your life. Even just making small changes can decrease the amount of time you spend on your phone. For instance, instead of using the notes function on your phone, try writing notes down on paper. Instead of using your phone to find a new recipe, look inside a cookbook you already own. By making the choice not to use your phone for certain tasks, you can decrease that feeling of necessity.  

  • Try a new routine. Is the first thing that you look at every day your phone? Try to break that habit. Change what you do when you wake up, and over time you can extend the period in the morning before you look at your phone. 

  • Create a culture with friends and family. In an age when access to other people is immediate, we tend to feel pressure to respond, contact, and message each other as soon as possible. By creating a culture of space and distance with your family and friends, this pressure to respond and be accessible 24/7 starts to decrease.  

  • Press mute. Over time, we become trained to respond to any notification sound we hear. By placing your phone on silent, you will be less likely to constantly look at your phone, thus reducing any stress you may have associated with the urge to respond immediately. 

  • No phones at night. Reducing your phone usage prior to bed will result in a more peaceful rest. Limit your time on your phone prior to lying down for the night. 

Your challenge is to pick 1-2 of the above strategies and try to implement them into your life for the next couple of days. Be sure to choose ones that will really challenge you to put down the phone and be more mindful and present. 

American Psychological Association. Seven ways to overhaul your smartphone usage. Updated March 2017. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/03/sidebar-disconnected. Accessed 04/15/2019. 



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