Giving Thanks

There is a lot of conversation about growth mindset - putting a focus on the future, dialing up our intuitive way of taking in and processing information about the world around us, considering what COULD be, what CAN I do to grow and develop. At this time of year, we can be reflecting on all of this future-focused work, while also taking time to reflect back on our year, our projects, our teammates, our friends and family. As leaders, we must be able to integrate all of this as we consider how to voice our gratitude to those around us after what has been yet another challenging year. While we hope that along the way, you have been sharing your gratitude as close to an activity or event as possible, an additional year end thank you will be a welcomed conversation. 

While this year was different than the last, it has still been a significantly challenging time for many people. With that said -  where do we start?  Well, people want to feel valued, and they want to feel like they’ve contributed to something. People also want to feel safe, both psychologically and physically. So give thanks for what someone has done and let them know why it was important. Focus the message on thanking them, and try not to make the message about you. 

To help you get started, here are a few ways to offer your thanks to your team members:  

  • Write a thoughtful, detailed hand-written note or card to express your gratitude

  • Use your company’s recognition platforms or process to give your recognition additional visibility to other people in your organization

  • Consider a gratitude sharing team event - set aside focused time with your team to share with one and other the things you are all thankful for with regard to working together. 

Sharing your messages of thanks requires focused time, effort and thought. It is well worth taking the time to make sure your team feels appreciated, recognized and respected. 


Re-engaging and Beginning 2022


Engagement and the Holiday Season