Learning and Development Trends in Tech



Tech workers are in higher demand than ever before and as a result, it is much harder to retain top talent.  

How can companies keep their employees engaged in such a difficult market?

Provide Growth Development

Today’s workforce wants the flexibility to learn in their daily work lives and have access to relevant trainings. By positioning learning and development as an employee incentive, companies can attract employees that value lifelong learning.

The technology sector is taking recent college graduates and placing a strong focus on training early on. Tech companies are providing ongoing coaching, development or data science tools and implementing learning components to make training tools stick.

Connect to Company Goals

Employees want to know how training will help them in their current role and beyond. By showing employees how their role ties into the overall strategic goals of the organization, companies can create more engagement.

On-Demand Content

Employees need to be able to learn in real time so they can quickly go from not knowing to doing. Having a collection of content can help your employees find the information they need from reliable sources and understand how things are done within the organization.

Prioritize Learning and Development

Finding an hour or two to sit down and concentrate on a training can be very difficult. With zoom meetings and a never ending to do list, how can you help your employees find time to concentrate and absorb content? Managers must advocate for their employees and prioritize time for learning. If the company places a strong priority on learning and development so will the employee.

Training is quickly becoming a key differentiator between companies competing for talent. Make it a priority and watch your engagement grow.


How do innovative tech companies train their employees?


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