Virtual Presentations Don’t Have to Feel So Weird


What is it about giving a virtual presentation that feels so unnerving?

One of the biggest issues is that you are deprived of direct audience feedback — body language, eye contact, and the general sounds of the room. So it can feel like no one is listening — and who wants to present to an empty room?

But you can still interact with your audience when presenting virtually. Here are some tips to make you feel more connected and less remote.

First, use the chat function liberally, especially at the start. Consider kicking things off by posing a question and asking the audience to respond by typing a word or two. Read off some of the answers, crediting people by name if you can. This will help them feel more invested in what you have to say and will make you feel more like you are presenting to a live audience.

Next, try deploying rhetorical questions to simulate the back and forth of a conversation. You might ask, "Are you ready to try something new?" when introducing a new idea. Or, when presenting data, you could ask, "Do you notice this shift from low to high on the chart?" You may even ask open-ended questions to encourage active participation with something like, "What trends do you notice on this chart?"

While virtual presentations will never be the same as in-person interactions, you can still have a meaningful dialogue that will help you feel less anxious and more connected to your audience.


Adapted from “Yes, Virtual Presenting Is Weird,” by Sarah Gershman



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